Friday 22 October 2010

Quick hair render

Using the hair and fur modier in max basic hair was added to the head

Final Head

Here's the final head without hair.
Overall the basic shape is there but I would have liked to have had more time spent on the texture and also getting the right shade on the ears.

Specular painting

In Photoshop the bump and colour maps were used to create specular highlights. Various brush sizes with a very low opacity in lighten mode were used to paint in the specular highlights before being blurred with a gaussian blur filter and added to the specular map in the material editor in max.

A further sandstone texture was ading in Photoshop to enhance the effect.

Texture painting

Using Photoshop, the colour map had a bump texture applied to simulate skin, this was then added to the material editor within max as a bump map.

Different values were then used to get the right texture in max

Texture painting

The final UVW map was opened in photoshop and by cutting and pasting parts of the skin from the original photo onto the map the foundations of the skin was laid out.
This new map was the aplied to the head in 3ds max using the material editor. By setting up a script within Photoshop I was able to keep updating the material.

UVW mapping

To allow a skin material to be added to the head a UVW unwrap modifier was applied to the head. This was to allow the map to be layed out flat.
This stage proved to quite difficult as the map come out rather squashed up and took a lot of time fiddling to pull out the individual vertices into the correct place. Use of a checkered bitmap helped to show that the polygons were more or less in the right position

The ear

As the original reference photo did not show the ear another picture was taken for the purpose of this part of the project.

The same process was used as that of creating the head model.